Control Workshop!

Do something your future self will thank you for!

Control System Workshop is used to create Head Space.
Why not do something that your future self will thank you for?
Invest in yourself with this seven-step workshop that empowers you to take control of your life.

Every person has habits that they want to change. 
Are you ready to break free from your limiting beliefs, conquer your fears, and transform bad habits?

Why not enrol in this hands-on method to rapidly change your feelings, beliefs, and thoughts?
The workshops are held every month and are done over two mornings.
The control system is a method of change designed to give you direct communication and the ability to change patterns in your subconscious mind.

The workshop is held with a small group of 3 to 6 people.
It costs £45.00 for two mornings.
Doing the workshop with others will give you more perspective and a great way to meet new people.
Don’t hesitate to get in touch with Margaretha for more information.

Feedback from the workshop;
It is very clear and powerful, much more than I expected.

It was quite powerful, and I realised that some current unwanted behaviours are likely linked to some old traumas.
I will be recommending your workshop to people – it is so affordable, and it will be very helpful to many people. L.P

I enjoyed the workshop and found it very helpful.
I will continue to work with the system. R.W

Thank you so much for this workshop and for sharing your time in your beautiful house! It was a great and timely opportunity for me to revisit and address new things, such as anxieties and negative thought patterns.
I can honestly say I’ve found it really helpful. A. M.

This has been the most amazing course I’ve taken in a long time. It offers fantastic value and a great environment. I recommend it to everyone! M.S.