Client feedback

Hi Margaretha, Thank you for being so helpful and supporting me through this difficult time. It enabled me to feel empowered, strong and energised.
A ‘can do’ mentality rather than ‘I can’t’. I gained awareness of how I use my words against myself and how I become a victim of my negative chatter. My mind was compassionate and opened to new possibilities and choices. X N.T

After four years of searching for a private therapist (without any luck), Margaretha appeared as if by magic. I had looked through her work via Facebook and her website. I watched Margaretha’s videos before contacting her to see if she had any session space. With my history of CPTSD and Panic Disorder, I was determined to get my life back, which meant that I needed to face my past and work on healing the right way. For many years, I have lived through the approach of “take it day by day” and forgetting the past motto. Only to find that, on occasion, I would have mental health breakdowns and severe anxiety related to issues surrounding my past.
Margaretha initially called me via Zoom to discuss how she could help me through this. She was such a lovely, kind lady. She didn’t push me to sign up for anything; she let me sit with her information and welcomed me back anytime to chat. I just knew she was the woman to help me. With such a warm heart and safe nature, I booked sessions with Margaretha. I can’t even begin to tell you what an incredible journey this is already being. I feel different in a good way, and my mind is more straightforward. I can now leave my house, exercise, talk to people, and become motivated to work through who I am. Margaretha has been working through personal traumas with me, and I am 100 per cent confident that I am in safe hands. If you are looking to let go of pain and are ready to start your journey with Margaretha, I can promise you that it will be the best decision for you. A.W 

Margaretha has changed the way I think! Her sessions are relaxing and so educational. The Hypnosis is something else! The subconscious is so powerful that Margaretha teaches you to listen and look after it. I can’t recommend her enough if you want to rest your mind like I did. Changing my way of thought and learning techniques for stressful situations has benefited me tenfold. But most of all, the biggest thing I learned was to be kind to myself. And the sessions don’t end there. Margaretha is just an email away for additional support. C.M
I’m a student, and I was struggling with a terrible habit that stopped me from wanting to mix and be around other students. Leaving home is a big step and a challenging journey if you do not feel good about yourself. I contacted Margaretha, and with her kind and supportive guidance, I now feel happy to be here at the university and mix with anyone. This is a significant change for me. I would recommend Margaretha to anyone who needs some clarity and support. H.A.
“The sessions with Margaretha were terrific. I was at a low point, just lost my brother and struggling with his new wife, and with no family local, I got high blood pressure and cholesterol for the first time; I had to take a pill! I now feel more relaxed and content in my life. Thanks to Margaretha, the sessions were incredible, talking through my fingers, guards being released, the vivid colours, red-anger, yellow-mellow. I have changed; I accept more about emotions, our past, and our subconscious, and I have learned coping strategies. All this is so relevant in these strange times. I can offer comfort to my sister-in-law and positive encouragement to my beloved family, so a huge thank you to Margaretha. I cannot praise you and your unbelievable therapy enough (Control System) because it works for some unknown reason!” Y.H.
A friend of mine introduced me to Margaretha when I needed her most. I was in a very dark place that felt like a deep hole I couldn’t climb out of. The mind is powerful, and Margaretha has taught me how to calm and relax to get me back to the here and now with many valuable tools that have helped me manage the ups and downs of life. I’m no longer in a dark hole and can positively deal with things. I can’t thank Margaretha enough for all the help she’s given me. She has such a calm and gentle way that will immediately put you at ease. I recommend that anyone in need or interested in mind calm give Margaretha a call. She’s brilliant. K.F